Bi-Fuel Natural Gas Vehicle:
A vehicle with an engine capable of running on either natural 气体 or some other fuel (usually 气体oline).
发电量发电机所提供的或所需的电量, turbine, transformer, transmission circuit, station, 或系统是由制造商评定的.
Carbon Dioxide (CO2):
Carbon Dioxide is the main product from the combustion of fossil fuels, such as 气体, oil and coal. While CO2 在全球温室效应的争论中扮演了可能的角色, it is not currently regulated.
产生有用热/蒸汽的连续或同时的过程, 用于各种工艺应用, and then directed into a turbine to generate electricity and/or mechanical work from the useful thermal energy still available for use.
Combined Cycle:
A cogeneration technology in which additional electricity is produced sequentially from otherwise lost waste heat exiting from one or more 气体-fired turbines. The exiting heat flow is routed to an exhaust-fired conventional boiler or to a heat recovery 蒸汽 generator for utilization by a 蒸汽 turbine in the production of electricity. This process increases the efficiency of an electric generating system by turning the rejected heat into thermal 蒸汽 rather than discharging it into the atmosphere.
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG):
This is a natural 气体 that is highly compressed and stored in high-pressure surface containers. Compressed natural 气体 is used extensively as a transportation fuel for automobiles, truck and buses.
电导体中电子的流动. 电流的强度或运动速率用安培来测量.
Dedicated NGV:
Direct Use:
直接使用包括直接在终端用途如熔炉中燃烧天然气, 热水器及其他天然气器具或车辆. This is as opposed to burning natural 气体 for electric generation which would then be used to power the same appliances or electric vehicles in a less efficient manner due to energy losses incurred during generation and transportation.
The capacity for doing work as measured by the capability of doing work (potential energy) or the conversion of this capability to motion (kinetic energy). Energy has several forms, 其中一些很容易转换,可以改变成另一种形式对工作有用. Most of the world's convertible energy comes from fossil fuels that are burned to produce heat that is then used as a transfer medium to mechanical or other means in order to accomplish tasks. 电能通常用千瓦时来计量, 哪种热能通常用英制热单位来测量.
Energy Source:
The primary source that provides the power that is converted to electricity through chemical, mechanical, or other means. Energy sources include coal, 石油及石油产品, 气体, 水, 铀, 风, sunlight, geothermal, and other sources.
Fossil Fuel:
Fuel Cell:
A device that produces electrical energy directly from the controlled electrochemical oxidation of the fuel. It does not contain an intermediate heat cycle, as do most other electrical generation techniques.
Gas Gallon Equivalent (GGE):
A unit for measuring compressed natural 气体 sold at public fueling stations and comparing fuel efficiencies.
The process of producing electric energy by transforming other forms of energy; also, 发电量:产生的电能的总量, expressed in kilowatt hours.
Geothermal Energy:
地球内热产生的能量可能是余热, friction heat, 或者是放射性衰变的结果. The heat is found in rocks and fluids at various depths and can be extracted by drilling and/or pumping.
Home Fueling Appliance:
一种天然气加注组件,包括压缩机和加注设备 which is sized for residential time fill use.
Kilowatt (kW):
One thousand watts.
Load (Electric):
The amount of electric power delivered or required at any specific point or points on a system. 这一要求源于客户的耗能设备.
Megawatt (MW):
One million watts.
Natural Gas:
A naturally occurring mixture of hydrocarbon and non-hydrocarbon 气体es found in porous geological formations beneath the earth's surface, 常与石油有关的. 主要成分是甲烷.
Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV):
Nitrogen Oxides (氮氧化合物):
Various oxides of nitrogen are formed in the combustion of fossil fuels, such as 气体, oil and coal. Some 氮氧化合物 is formed from the nitrogen bound in the fuel when it is combusted and some 氮氧化合物 (thermal 氮氧化合物) is formed at high temperatures from the nitrogen in the air. 氮氧化合物, 与挥发性有机化合物(VOC)和阳光结合, 导致臭氧的形成.
氮氧化物的排放受到严格管制, 由当地监督和执行, 保护人民的州和联邦环境机构, animals and vegetation.
A council formed in 1968 by the electric utility industry to promote the reliability and adequacy of bulk power supply in the electric utility systems of North America. NERC consists of nine regional reliability councils and encompasses essentially all the power systems of the contiguous United States, 加拿大, and some in Mexico.
A mixture of hydrocarbons usually existing in the liquid state in natural underground pools or reservoirs. 天然气常与石油混在一起被发现.
Overhead vs. Underground Electric Service:
In most instances, 地下服务通常比空中服务更可靠, 但是维护更加困难和昂贵. 不管这些线路是建在空中还是地下, 它们的建造符合所有适用的安全规则和法规.
Pad-mounted Transformer:
A distribution transformer that is installed on the ground on concrete pads and provides underground electrical service to customers.
Peak Load:
Peak Load Plant:
A plant usually housing old, low-efficiency equipment normally used during the peak-load periods.
Peaking Capacity:
发电设备在每日用电高峰时段正常运行的容量, 每周, or seasonal loads. Some generating equipment may be operated at certain times as peaking capacity and at other times to serve loads on an around-the-clock basis.
Petroleum (Crude Oil):
一种主要由碳氢化合物组成的自然产生的油性易燃液体. 原油偶尔会在泉水或水池中发现, 但通常是从地表下的井里钻出来的.
Photovoltaic Cell:
Public Fueling Station:
Prime Mover:
Quick Fill:
Refers to the process of fueling a vehicle with natural 气体 in approximately the same time it would take to fuel the same vehicle with liquid fuels such as 气体oline or diesel.
Renewable Energy Source:
再生能源可再生的或几乎取之不尽的能源. 典型的例子是风能、地热能和水力.
Scheduled Outage:
发电机组的停机, transmission line, or other facility, for inspection or maintenance, 按照事先的时间表.
变电站就像州际高速公路上的交汇处或城市街道上的十字路口, 取决于所涉及的电压和通过它们的功率量. Enclosed by fences, 变电站包含变压器, switches, circuit breakers and other devices used to control and direct the flow of electric power through the energy delivery grid.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2):
二氧化硫是化石燃料燃烧的产物,如石油或煤的燃烧. Small amounts of sulfur contained in the fuel is converted into sulfur dioxide in the combustion process.
二氧化硫的排放受到严格管制, 由当地监督和执行, 保护人民的州和联邦环境机构, animals and vegetation.
用于标识一种发电站类型的术语, capacity, capability, 或者原动机的能量来源是热的输出.
Time Fill
在很长一段时间内用天然气给车辆加油的方法, usually six to eight hours.
Transmission-level Voltage:
传输级电压没有具体的标准. It refers to that part of the electric system dedicated to the delivery of bulk power from power plants to transmission substations scattered around the transmission grid.
Electric power is transmitted at very high voltages because losses (much like heat losses) are minimized at elevated voltage levels. 对于给定的输出功率, 将传输电压提高一倍,可以减少75%的电力损耗.
A machine for generating rotary mechanical power from the energy in a 蒸汽 of fluid (such as 水, 蒸汽, or hot 气体). Turbines convert the kinetic energy of fluids to mechanical energy through the principals of impulse and reaction, or a mixture of the two.
Vehicle Conversion:
Vehicle Refueling Appliance:
The electrical unit of power.
Sources: Energy Information Administration; 1998; Tampa Electric; 1999; Peoples Gas1999.